Saturday, September 01, 2007

My bad...

I didn't make it to the Shout Out Louds, I had a meeting instead (yes, at 9.30pm). Was very sad. A variety of things are coming up, which will amply make up for missing them.

-Tonight will be a momentous event, as it is Riverfire. Living in such close proximity as I do, I feel somewhat obliged to go, camera in hand, and capture many amusing images of secretly drunk teenagers frolicking in the parklands with their secret alcohol stash. Oh and, you know, the fireworks as well. While I still only have my point&shoot, I may do just that.

-Thursday is Wolfgang and I am moderately excited. This one I will try to pseudo review, as I'm too lazy/not very good at normal reviews.

-Next Wednesday my new twitter friends The Strange Attractors are playing a gig at The Zoo. I may get there late, and it may mean walking home after missing the last form of public transport leaving the Valley, but my attendance is planned.

-Valley Fiesta!!! The weekend where even responsible, well meaning people get hassled by police. Lots and lots of music this year, but my two necessaries are The Audreys and Yves Klein Blue.

As well as various assessments, rehearsals, meetings and related stress outs.

Oh yeah, and theres a great digital media exhibition on in The Block @ QUT called Vernacular Terrain. Only had time for a quick look the other day, but word is that its amazing.


Anonymous said...

Hey :) Did you end up going to Wolfgang last Thursday? And was it as moderately exciting as you thought? I had a ball!

heroine pretend said...

Wolfgang was great! Cut Off Your Hands really impressed me. It sounds like everyone had fun, can't wait for the next one!

Thanks for your comment!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, yeah I thought everyone had fun as well :) I wonder if I got a photo at Wolfgang for you at all? I take the pics for - which is how i found your blog, thanks for your link! :D Are you going to Lick It on the weekend?

heroine pretend said...

Well you definitely deserve the link! You do great work :) I took at look at your Wolfgang photos, but don't make an appearance.

Lick It's on the maybe list at the moment. All depends on how I feel about sticking around after having my fill of the fiesta. Should be good though, the theme will no doubt lend itself to some pretty great photo ops!