Monday, October 22, 2007

Channel 9 trickery, improper use of the worm...

So, for all those living in caves or under rocks, the federal election has been called for the 24th of November. I for one am excited. It may be optimistic, but I feel Howard's time to roll over and die has finally come. This is the one folks. Hopefully.

The debate Sunday night was, in all truth, riveting. I wish Howard would agree to the 2 more that Rudd wants. Maybe talk a little less about money next time. Chris Uhlmann made no friends, very ballsy pursuit of answers to his very direct questions. David Speers moderated it well, the only thing that irked me was how quickly he seemed to chime in a the end of the speeches. Kind of took away the impact Rudd and Howard were looking for. Howard was very aggressive, speaking way past when Speers asked him to stop, but Rudd had panache. I like the way he speaks.

Enough about politics. The Basics played Rosies on Saturday night. Needless to say they were phenomenal. There was not adequate air conditioning, but that did not stop my dancing. Tim had some very colourful solos, complete with parading around the stage and shit talking was at an all time high. Kind of got the impression the crowd wanted to cling to them while sobbing 'never ever leave us again!', and after the mainstage closed and everyone went upstairs, some people no doubt did. Great comeback gig. More in 3 weeks. Praise be.

Also I was lucky enough to get myself a GC BDO ticket, which excites me no end.

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