Friday, September 21, 2007

Some good news...

-I may be late on the uptake, but my (and many others) beloved Gotye picked up 5 ARIA nominations, for his remix album 'Mixed Blood'. He's already taken out 'Best Cover Art'(stupid fasterlouder, getting their shit wrong. It was actually Mondrian Silverchair who won that)and is up for, among others, Best Male Artist, and Album of the Year. Well done Wally!!!!!

This is apparently Photoshops new logo and tag line (it seems this one is for marketing purposes, as Adobe stresses that they have not done away with the existing one. Y'know. The feather and stuff.):

I. Do Not. Like It. The tagline is perfectly viable, but the logo makes it look like Photoshop has mysteriously become this web 2.0-ish social networking site, where they get carried away with their shiny glass-like buttons and boxes and logos. Like this speech bubble.

If you replaced the 'Photoshop' with 'Twitter', then you would have something that made sense.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

To use a Sydney word...

Fiesta was 'hectic'. I am now a fully fledged Yves Klein Blue fan. Their set was so impressive. Even at 3 on a Sunday afternoon. It was just...great. Great great great. And I'm going to stop now while I'm not yet screeching 'have my babies'.

Because I'm too lazy and somewhat deflated by the fact I have 9 piece of assessment before the 29th of October, I'm just going to give a general list of gigs that look fun.

Thus 27th Sept: UV mag launch at Alhambra. I wouldn't have seen this if not for era.culprits. Thanks :)
Sat 29th Sept: 1990s, The Dardanelles and Yves Klein Blue at The Zoo. Because I don't like parks.
Thurs 4th Oct: Wolfgang, w/ Emergency Emergency, Twist, Oliver, Twist and Nightcrash.
Fri 26th Oct: The pick of the upcoming Exile at Rosies. The Checks, Belles Will Ring and the John Steel Singers. Very fun.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sparkle Motion

- Lick It is go! Will probably be very exhausted by the time it kicks off on Sunday (am leaving rehearsal early, and am going to attempt to compose reviews in real time for at least 3 bands from YKB onwards. I'm sure I'll have something to say about that here, so stay tuned) , but will have a dance regardless

- The launch of issue #2 of The Lifted Brow magazine is later tonight at Jugglers. Shall be grand.

- These two events being listed together feels strange and has brought me to thinking about the current split in the general 'indie' (I shudder to use the term) community of Brisbane. Am I imagining things, or have we split 50/50, electro vs. folk? I swear it hasn't always been like that.

Friday, September 14, 2007

You are perfect but you're empty...

While this has nothing really to do with the Gotye lyric I titled this post with, it is actually pretty perfect. It's an iTunes equaliser setting that's doing the rounds at the moment. The original article is here (very old), and I'm reposting mostly so I'll know where is it when i inevitably lose the link/graphic sometime in the future. The settings are as follows (note: skipping the pre-amp) and they made my evening Death Cab pop very nicely:

db +3, +6, +9, +7, +6, +5, +7, +9, +11, +8 db

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Another one?

The general myspace vibe (that is, the information on both Exile and Gin Clubs pages) is that theres another Exile this Friday? I was meaning to go last Friday, as there was the whole venue change thing (as I have vocally expressed my disdain for the last venue a little further down the page), but again so soon? Thats actually 'hurrah' worthy.

"Yay!" Giant Ray Bans! Agyness love!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The joys of my dinky little point&shoot. Riverfire did not disappoint re: drunk frolicking teenagers. The fireworks were good tthough. Jet planes too.

Wolfgang was also fine fun. Mood was dampened by my friend electing to stay home at the last minute, thus plunging me into aloneness. But all was good, with the help of conversation with randoms. teenagersintokyo were highly gratifying, but Cut Off Your Hands were stellar. Great turn out, and unlike many other gigs, there wasn't a stream of patrons flooding towards the door as the final notes of their somewhat blistering set dispersed. Everyone was up for a good time, and I believe the general consensus is that a good time was indeed had. Can't wait for the next one. Hopefully in the company of another person.

Today in South Bank, there was a young designers markets, held just to the side of the 'normal' markets. I only got to look around as they were setting up, but it looks highly worthwhile. Tshirts, jewelry etc. Most notably a place called Blonde Vintage which is, as the myspace claims, 'the re-creation of fabulous second hand materials'. Fun, nice, and fairly cheap as well. Didn't have the time to try stuff on (much to my dismay), but it seems great. Speaking of which I will hopefully be making it down to Boxvintage in West End soon for a little shopping spree. Yay.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

My bad...

I didn't make it to the Shout Out Louds, I had a meeting instead (yes, at 9.30pm). Was very sad. A variety of things are coming up, which will amply make up for missing them.

-Tonight will be a momentous event, as it is Riverfire. Living in such close proximity as I do, I feel somewhat obliged to go, camera in hand, and capture many amusing images of secretly drunk teenagers frolicking in the parklands with their secret alcohol stash. Oh and, you know, the fireworks as well. While I still only have my point&shoot, I may do just that.

-Thursday is Wolfgang and I am moderately excited. This one I will try to pseudo review, as I'm too lazy/not very good at normal reviews.

-Next Wednesday my new twitter friends The Strange Attractors are playing a gig at The Zoo. I may get there late, and it may mean walking home after missing the last form of public transport leaving the Valley, but my attendance is planned.

-Valley Fiesta!!! The weekend where even responsible, well meaning people get hassled by police. Lots and lots of music this year, but my two necessaries are The Audreys and Yves Klein Blue.

As well as various assessments, rehearsals, meetings and related stress outs.

Oh yeah, and theres a great digital media exhibition on in The Block @ QUT called Vernacular Terrain. Only had time for a quick look the other day, but word is that its amazing.