Monday, November 26, 2007

Some lines of white...

So I'm talking to my mother on the phone recently, and being that holiday season is now in full swing, we were discussing various material things as possible Christmas presents. (The time when I was surprised by presents is long gone).

Mum: "I heard Kate Moss has a perfume out"

Me: "Yeah, they were spraying the card things in Myer the other day"

Mum: "Is is nice?"

Me: "Oh sure, smells like cocaine"

Mum: *horrified silence*

Me: "...hello?"

Mum: "How do you know what cocaine smells like?!"

Had to remind her that Kate Moss likes her blow, that I was making joke/spouting witticism etc. She muttered something about sense of humour and generation Y and said she needed to cook dinner now.

So in short, mum thinks I'm a coke fiend.

Incidentally, its Gough time motherfuckers. Kevin 07 has prevailed.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sadly noted...

I missed Kevin Rudd on Rove. Makes me rather sad, although my alternative activity was highly enjoyable (Hello to The Strange Attractors ).

Not sure why Rudd on Rove appeals to me so much, but so far the reviews of his performance are favorable. Even though he didn't answer THE question. Come on. I can feel the disappointment of the nation. Even Ian Thorpe answered it weeks ago after spending the majority of his interview denying that he was gay.

Also, the irony of Bob Brown declaring he would turn straight for Missy Higgins was almost too much to handle. Hopefully the whole thing will be on YouTube soon enough.

Election being 5 days away, I am actually rather excited. Less optimistic about a Labor victory than I was before, but who knows. And the eternal question...will it actually make any difference?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The waiting game...

Annoyance of the week:

Having to stand in the ridiculously long line at the West End post office to pick up registered mail containing tickets to Laneway. Then having to do it AGAIN two days later, when my BDO ticket arrived.

on the plus side this is a pretty great Tumble Log.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A goodly portion...

Holidays have begun, and I'm doing my usual start of holidays thing. Placing a heap of holds at the library, and making a list of things to do in the holidays. So far I have:

1. Make a business card
So I'm all professional and stuff
2. Read Dante's Divine Comedy
This is something I've been attempting to do since highschool
3. Make longterm travel plans
Where my Lonely Planet 'Europe on a shoestring' will be useful
4. Learn some more French
By 'some more', I mean extending beyond 'Hello, how are you?'
5. Make overview plan of next years production
Being production manager, I'm kind of in charge
6. Get haircut

My aim when I began the list was to have 100 things. I failed, but hopefully I will have more than 6 things very soon.

So my room is littered with a collection of fairly random books, magazines and half filled art journals. I always aim to read a lot in holidays.
Currently trying my hand at The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. Had the conversation about the pronunciation of 'Chaucer' yesterday. I had chosen to pronounce it 'Show' (as in shower) 'sir'. Show-sir, as it sounds very nice and soft and happy, much like his writing. But according to my source, it is actually 'chore-sir'. Or something along those lines. It was inevitable. Feeling kind of fraud-like. Reading it without being able to pronounce his name. I'm also beginning to think in rhyming couplets. I'm not cut out for this literary wank.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Simplified breakdown of the new features of the forthcoming Firefox 3.0. I kind of like the idea of tagging bookmarks. Thats all I really use for, so it'd be nice to integrate, given you have the ability to save everything from bookmarks, preferences, urine analysis and imprinted dna sample on a thumbdrive these days.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Be a hippy for a week...

The Woodford Folk Festival lineup was released today. With so many new year festivals etc, it's always fairly difficult to net anyone of mainstream note to play, especially in the latter part of the week. It's front loaded as usual, but great nonetheless. The high points being:

Sarah Blasko, the Go Set, Sarah Blasko, Angus and Julia Stone, The Cat Empire, Doch, That1Guy,The Waifs.

It's been so so so so long since I've seen the Cat Empire. My first ever concert/gig experience was when they played the first night of Woodford in the Big Top in 2003. It was about a month after Hello hit the charts and they were phenomenal. I've seen them 7 or 8 times. Sad but true.

No Lior. Or Kate Miller-Heidke. This disappoints me a little. But I think they're in one of the major lineups, no?

Also New Years is a little empty. Which is ok, because nothing would really match up to Wolfmother covering The Who at midnight in Lorne last(this?) year.