Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wow. So I disappeared. For 2 months. Apologies. A short breakdown of what has happened in aforementioned 2 months:

-Got a soul sucking, sales oriented job. Hurrah for money.
-New Years. Woodford. Soaking wet for 24 straight hours.
-Moved house. Now in creative, quiet place. The main road nearby garners more beeps and mindless hollering from passing cars than I ever thought possible.
-Sufjan Stevens. Odd. Great, but odd. Imagining quiet, introverted music dork. Got buff, hula hooping cheeky man.
-BDO. Far surpassed expectations. Bjork and her instruments I'd never seen before were great. Felt all 90's and rebellious at RatM. Mini Brisbane reunion at YKB. Wore gumboots unnecessarily. Ate a lot of Hari food.

Will write about something much more interesting later. When I decide what it is.